SMA are introducing a Brand New Award which every SM can nominate for:
SMA stage managers’ award for Theatre of the Year 2025
This year SMA is introducing a new award category for all SMs (any grade) to vote for their choice for Theatre of the Year 2025. You don’t have to be a member of SMA to vote, nor does the theatre you vote for need to be a member (of course they can be!)
You must have worked at the theatre at least once during the period April 2023-April 2025
This is your individual choice: it could be a favourite theatre, a theatre where you worked on your favourite show, a great and/or welcoming place to work, a theatre with an exciting program or even a place which pays and values SMs exceptionally!
It can be a theatre in England Scotland Wales or Northern Ireland
It could be theatre that always goes the extra mile to welcome stage managers (e.g. welcoming meet and greet, cream teas, discounts on theatre food and drink, a really good SM office, etc)
This could even be a theatre which richly deserves the award but for some reason is not able to produce this season, but you have visited in 2023 or 2024.
Or any or all of the above!!!!
It’s your choice, so please nominate: NOMINATION FORM
Please nominate your choice for the stage managers choice for best theatre 2025 by letting us know your reasons for your choice (these can be as personal as you like- but they must convince our hard-headed judges that this really is worthy of the award, and of course you must not be related to anyone working permanently at your chosen theatre.
You cannot nominate a theatre which you have a permanent contract with, you can nominate a theatre which you have revisited a number of times as a freelance – and this could be given as a reason for your choice.
Please do discuss your choice with friends and colleagues and share views, but please don’t get together and swamp us with lots of similar nominations for one place- we will know!
The more points you can make to support your choice the more chance you have of swaying the judges, but the limit is 150 words for your nomination, so choose your reasons carefully – and remember this is a stage managers choice award so be sure to make your points relevant to working at the theatre as a stage manager.
The qualifying period for this award is that you must have worked in this theatre as an SM between April 2023 and April 2025